From the Desk of

I think the success of any University can be measured by the contribution the alumni make to our national life. - John F. Kennedy
On behalf of this great institution, it is my pleasure to welcome you at Teerthanker Mahaveer University Alumni Association. The association exists, wholly and solely, to help our alumni and, by extension, the University itself, succeed.
The world gets more complicated with every passing day. We get involved with our families and work and suddenly we’ve lost touch with those outside that close circle. The Alumni Association can help you stay connected to those friends and to the vast resources available here, from the faculty that taught and guided you to our libraries, seminars and symposia, web sites, social media and an extraordinary variety of “stay connected” programs designed with you in mind. They are all designed to support you as you pursue your post-academic life and career.
The Teerthanker Mahaveer Universityalumni family is huge. There are currently thousands of Alumni are working in every part of the globe. The alumni events, regional networking get-togethers, on-campus activities and sporting events, career advisory services, and social media resources available through the Alumni Association and the University are all designed to help you be as successful as you can possibly be. After all, your success is our success.
At the same time, I would challenge you to think of ways you can give back to the University to whatever degree you are comfortable. And I do not mean just monetarily, though that is, of course, always welcome. There are many ways to give back, from career and academic mentoring to volunteering time at on- and off-campus events to simply attending academic and social events. It also appeal to you this is always a fun and exciting time and a great way to connect and reconnect with old friends. As you will find, giving back has another benefit: it feels good.
So thank you for visiting with us today, and please come back often. I encourage you to explore all that we have to offer to stay connected and make yourself and Teerthanker Mahaveer University Alumni Associationstronger. And if you should find yourself in the area, please do not hesitate to stop by Alumni House. The staff here will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and fill you in on what is happening around the campus.
Dr. Satyendra Arya
President – TMU Alumni Association