department of
Public health dentistry is an area of dentistry concerned with the evaluation of dental health needs and how the practice of dental healthcare meets those needs. Department of Public Health Dentistry is that part of dentistry providing leadership and expertise in population-based dentistry, oral health surveillance, policy development, community-based disease prevention and health promotion, and the maintenance of the dental safety net.
Our department provides accessible and affordable oral health care to people. It is committed to train and calibrate the undergraduate as well as postgraduate students in Public Health Dentistry by providing dental health education, screening and treatment camps on oral diseases for the outreach population tailored specifically on the basis of research on needs of the community.

Vision and Mission
- To promote oral health and provide resources towards the same.
- To be a trusted resource for oral health information in the community.
- To conduct research and identify effective strategies for improvement of oral health.
- To influence public policy and legislation in a positive manner.
- To practice and promote evidence- based dentistry.

Dental Camps
These community based dental public health programmes are not only constricted to the boundaries of our department but also provides a first-hand exposure to the students on the rural as well as urban settings of the country and methods to treat them via motivation and proving dental services at their doorsteps through a well-equipped mobile dental van. Dental camps are regular activities of the department. The whole idea is to make health care available, accessible, appropriate and acceptable. Students are exposed to different kinds of learning environment which makes learning more experiential, interesting and challenging to the students.
Satellite Centre
The department maintains rural satellite centres located at Amroha and Haryana to cover the wider area of population for the purpose of awareness, preventive measures as well as for treatment. These centres provide a complete spectrum of treatment from diagnosis to complete rehabilitation with speciality treatment provided free of cost.
Core Competencies
The department maintains rural satellite centres located at Amroha and Haryana to cover the wider area of population for the purpose of awareness, preventive measures as well as for treatment. These centres provide a complete spectrum of treatment from diagnosis to complete rehabilitation with speciality treatment provided free of cost.
- Epidemiological Research
- Clinical Research
- Oral Health Promotion
- Comprehensive treatment in the department, satellite centers, rural and urban settings
Departmental Programmes
The Department also conducts street plays, health talks to address problems like personal hygiene, water conservation air pollution etc.
Apart from regular lectures, practical and clinical teaching session, the department also conducts CDE programmes, seminars and general discussions, case based learning session, problem and project based learning sessions.
Teaching and Learning
The department believes in perpetually creating and sustaining learning environment, research climate and service attitude. Students are taught and also facilitated to learn through various educational instructional strategies. Students are provided a free and liberal hand to assess the educational activities as well as departmental library and provide sincere feedback. Self assessment of teaching sessions by the faculty is a regular practice.
Faculty members in the department are highly educated and have many achievements to their credit. They participate in the various seminars, continuing dental education programs, national and international conference to keep their skills and knowledge updated.
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